PEPs and Sanctions as part of a KYB

A brief tutorial on how you can run a PEPs and Sanctions check on an already processed verification. You may want to run this kind of check because you want to obtain a more detailed result or as part of your Ongoing Customer Due Diligence (OCDD) process

To run a PEPs and Sanctions check on an already existing verification (KYB), follow the steps below:

  1. Go to KYC > Results > Organisation and in the table click on the name of the organisation you want to re-screen; 
  2. In the right slider, click on the "Show details" button; 
  3. Select the PEPs & Sanctions tab and click "Screen now"
  4. The results will be displayed on the page. The results will contain information about the organisation and the UBOs of the organisation grouped in respective accordions. Open the accordion to get more information about the lists that were matched for each entity;
  5. Click on the red lists to obtain more detailed information about the data that was matched.
KYB PEPs and Sanctions
PEPs and Sanctions KYB Stakeholders
View detailed results

To view a detailed description of why the organisation or a UBO of the organisation appears on a PEPs or Sanctions list, follow the steps below: 

  1. Open the desired list coloured in red by clicking on the down arrow; 
  2. Click on the names that were matched on this list;
  3. Read the description of the lists and the data that was matched. 
PEPs and Sanctions Details - KYB

Note: The entity information listed in the results may not match the exact details of the submitted organisation or individual. This can be due to several reasons: 

  • bronID uses fuzzy matching, i.e. the names do not have to match exactly, and similar names may show as false positives
  • the submitted name is an alias;
  • the matched individuals may be relatives or associates of the submitted individual; 
  • the matched entities may be related to the submitted entity by means of contracts, legal arrangement etc.; 
  • the match is a false positive
View previous PEPs and Sanctions screening results

To check the results from previous PEPs and Sanctions screenings, use the dropdown to select the date and the time of screening. 

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